Tweedledum and Tweedledee

HomeBLACKSOULSTweedledum and Tweedledee

Tweedledum and Tweedledee are characters in BLACKSOULS 2 you can find at a certain part of the Mental Ward area. They’re twins who really love each other.

They’re most likely based on Tweedledum and Tweedledee from Through the Looking-Glass, a book written by Lewis Carroll.

(this post is still WIP and is being expanded/updated)

Appearances | BS2

Tweedledum and Tweedledee are located in a certain area inside the Mental Ward, called the Twins’ Room. Although, they will appear in one of the hallways in the asylum for a brief second, probably trying to scare the player.

Twins’ Room

The tricky part about getting to the twins is that the doors inside the Mental Ward can lead you to another door that’s physically unrelated to it – the whole layout of this area is made to be confusing and hard to navigate through.

But once you manage to get to their room, they won’t really be interested in you either way. Tweedledum and Tweedledee don’t know where Alice is and will tell you that if she isn’t disabled, you shouldn’t have come to the asylum in the first place.

You need to have high SEN to be able to talk to the twins in the first place, otherwise, you will get into a fight with them, and they’re quite tough actually.

But if your SEN is high, you can instantly kill them, and even force them to an intercourse. This is one of the more messed up NSFW scenes in the game, but it’s also interesting to see how bizarre it can get.

After Defeating Edith

In the Mental Ward, you can find a special area where you can get to the Great Grey Eagle Edith – her presence is quite significant for the hospital. She’s a boss you have to defeat to be able to enter Ox Ward, but other than that you can totally skip her.

After defeating her, and when you go back to the twins to talk to them, they’ll celebrate and make out in front of you. They will have a very serious and romantic make-out session in front of you, which is heartwarming.

The kissing will last for over an hour.

When you talk to them again, they’ll start talking about the Red King and dreams.

You can at this point finally form a covenant with the twins.

The Twins and Jealousy

When you form a covenant with the Tweedle Twins, you’ll be able to make love to them in various different ways when you level it up enough. Trying to make love with them will invoke feelings of jealousy between them because the other twin doesn’t want to share her lover (and twin).

And therefore, a kiss will be prevented.

But, if you ask the twins to service you, they will do it together, and the same thing will happen if you ask them to make love.

Although, after the scene, Dum will start crying, but Dee will tell her how everything is alright, and that she loves her the most. But she’ll whisper to you about doing it again.

Alone with Tweedledee

Since Tweedledee really likes you, there’s a possibility that in front of the entrance to their room, you can see Tweedledee in front of it. And when you talk to her she’ll tell you that Dum cried herself to sleep and that now it’s just the two of you.

You will then have certain options for making love, and for also rejecting her offer.

After making love to her, she will go back to her place, and she will also go back to her place if you just tell her that you two can do it maybe another time.


Tweedle Twins are one of the characters in the game you can form a covenant with. Leveling up the covenant with them will increase your Escape Success Rate, fully leveling up the covenant will increase this rate to 100%.

While leveling up the covenant with the Tweedle Twins, they’ll start talking about various different characters in the game. They’ll mention how proud Wolris and the Carpenter would be proud of them after you give them souls. Later they will also mention Florence, the doctor who treated them nicely, and how she turned into an ugly beast.


Tweedledum and Tweedledee are both mentally ill in some way, otherwise, they wouldn’t be locked up in a mental hospital. They’re inseparable and they don’t want to leave each other – they act like they’re each other’s literal halves.


The twins have a very simple design that’s also unique. They don’t wear any particularly interesting clothing – it seems like they just have regular hospital-patient attire on them.

Other than that, the twins are pale and skinny, both of them have long blonde hair and almost everything else identical, besides their eyes. Both twins have eyepatches on opposite eyes, and both of their eyes have different colors. One twin has a red eye, while the other one has a blue eye.

Nate River
Nate River
I'm the owner of FGGuides - I mostly write about games and other things I find fun. Nothing more, nothing less.
