Beauty La Belle

HomeBLACKSOULSBeauty La Belle

Beauty La Belle is one of the fairytales in the first BLACKSOULS game, she can be found at Fort Ivern and her goal is to stop you from reaching Cinderella. She’s based on the fairytale Beauty and the Beast, which you can also get by killing her.

(this post is still WIP and is being expanded/updated)


You will encounter Beauty La Belle for the first time when you go towards the Lost Empire. She will not directly engage in combat with you, but rather she will call the Knight in Armor to fight you first. She’s not that friendly, even though she’s cute.

The Lost Empire

Once you get to the Lost Empire castle, she will approach you again! She doesn’t want to allow you to meet Cinderella and will warn you about proceeding further.

And upon proceeding even further into the Lost Empire, La Belle will block your path and then summon the Beast Adam to fight you along with her.

Fighting La Belle

I don’t think fighting La Belle will pose you any difficulty. Even the Beast Adam that comes with her isn’t hard to overcome. And even though she was granted power by Cinderella, she still isn’t strong enough to stop you from progressing further. After defeating her, you will get to choose what to do with her. If you kill her, you will get the Beauty and Beast fairytale.

And if you let her go, you will eventually find her executed.

Belle post-fight options
Belle post-fight options


La Belle is devoted to protecting Cinderella and she acts as her guardian. She’s compassionate and loyal, but even so, she will warn you multiple times before heading straight to fight you. In a cruel world that’s Elysium, maybe she’s too kind towards the player. Just like her looks, her personality is equally sweet.


Beauty La Belle, living up to her name has a very nice curvy body that’s covered by some kind of white robes. She also has beautiful long blonde hair that perfectly goes together with her cute mean face. Her eyes are blue and her forehead is hidden behind her bangs.

Nate River
Nate River
I'm the owner of FGGuides - I mostly write about games and other things I find fun. Nothing more, nothing less.
