Azathoth is a character in the BLACKSOULS series that’s also related to the Cthulhu Mythos.
Appearances | BS2
Azathoth is a briefly mentioned entity in the BLACKSOULS series and is of vast importance to the series. In BLACKSOULS and the Cthulhu Mythos, Azathoth is often referred to as the Idiot – that’s how especially Mabel likes to call him.
The Idiot is currently sleeping and everything that’s happening can be described as his dream, if a huge amount of power is released at once (for example, if Mabel decides to intervene in the “final war”) the Idiot will wake up and everything will disappear. That’s because a lot of souls would go back to Cosmos at once.
To be more concise, Mabel labels this event as the Awakening of the Idiot.
“The souls of creations slaughtered without end finally return into Cosmos. The conclusion of it all is ‘Awakening of The Idiot’, a phenomenon which erases all that exists in Cosmos in an instant”.
“Everything ends, and what remains is the world of nothingness”.
“There, nothing can be experienced. There, nothing can be created. You cannot go from it anywhere, and, all alone… you can only gaze into the infinity of nothingness”.
Mabel says all this to get Grimm to help her prevent the final war, otherwise, everything will disappear and it will be a new world of complete nothingness. She proposes a solution that you should create your own garden and stop all the Great Ones before the final war begins.
The Moon Encounter
In the Ox Ward University area, right when you enter it and go to the northern part of the area you will notice a telescope. If you decide to look through the telescope while your SEN is low and stare at the sky for a few seconds, you will suddenly find yourself on the moon.
Once you’re on the Surface of the Moon, you will notice two Moon Beasts, but if you go past them even further up north, something interesting will happen.
Music will start playing, along with weird licking sounds, and your SEN will start increasing SIGNIFICANTLY. And then, interesting scenery will manifest itself in front of you.
After some time you will be let go back to Ox Ward, but all of your health and mana will be missing. What’s interesting is that this entire encounter is only possible if you have NSFW scenes enabled, which most likely implies that you got sexually assaulted by Azathoth.
In the background during the whole ordeal, you will hear a soundtrack with the following lyrics:
“Demon Sultan Azathoth”
“Bubbles in confusion”
“Center of the Universe”
“Sprouting foul protrusions”
“Muffled madd’ning beating drums”
“Hellish flutes a-playing”
“Round him dance the Other Gods”
“Voiceless, mindless swaying”